Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Growing up is hard to do

(Awks I had this typed up and ready to publish on NYE but I forgot thanks to my last minute BBQ and a family trip)

For the first half of our lives, we're chasing after the elegant silhouette of the sophisticated woman we want to become.
A journey marked by seemingly insignificant milestones:

The profound ability to recognise your style amidst crowded racks in overflowing department stores.
The acquisition of your first heel, painful but nothing compared to that ridiculous teetering, borderline dangerous stiletto that is to come, a few years on.
The unnoticed transition between too heavily kohl lined eyes and amateur attempts at eyeshadow to fledgling makeup artist.

But sometimes along the way, we end up taking many steps backwards as a person.
Becoming pretty, polished and poised,
but rotting away inside as we become too selfish, too indulgent, too ignorant.

Another chapter of our past ends
with pages that whisper nightmares, cry heartbreak and sing joy and dreams fulfilled,
but is our character who we want to be?

So here's to the New Year:

May we rise to meet its challenges, and withstand its pitfalls with grace and a heart of gold.


A very obvious pattern has appeared in my days,

sleep in - eat - work - shop - eat - sleep
and repeat.

There's a listlessness that plagues me at times,
seeping into my routine and keeping my snippy and cynical.

Perhaps its the absence of the glorious sun that, being the tease it is, has not poked its head out since Spring.
Perhaps its the non-event that is many a weekday in passing, spent contentedly but with no peaks or troughs.
Or perhaps its only my mood at the moment.

I've spent much time this holidays shopping or browsing online, and overjoyed at parcels arriving or flipping out over how gorgeous some new pigment of eyeshadow is.
It makes me feel incredibly happy but rather simple hehe.

Image credits: Hans Kylberg






The Tragedy of Life

Forever longing for the perfection of yesterday, gazing backwards at past horizons.

Yet, again, and again, today's beauty and wonder can only slip past like a scenery missed.

Always paralysed by fear: if we slow our steps to appreciate the view, we'll miss our chance to live the moment.

Afraid that missing even a single moment, our lives will elude us, and by the time we realise, it'll be too late.

ps. I know the translation is a little rough, but then again the original Chinese probably is too D:


My blog has been very neglected as of late.
Its shocking that I haven't posted since August but to be honest every time I thought about posting something, I either didn't have time or didn't have any inspiration.

Life has been a tumultuous mix of fun, sadness, disappointment, anger and stress.
I feel like life has been passing me by and despite always believing in no regrets, I've had an awful lot of them. I feel like I'm watching the days spindle through and even though there are brief moments of brilliance every so often, I spend more time being an onlooker to joy than living in the moment. Hopefully, summer will help me move past that.

I'm very hesitant about turning it into a personal blog, even though this is what it seems to be becoming.
My main reason is that I treasure the privacy of being "anonymous" on the internet, even though most of my followers are friends in real life.
But this blog started because I wanted an outlet for my creative side that my daily life has no room for so turning it into a personal blog would defeat the purpose of that. Added onto the fact that generally, when I'm happy, I'm too busy enjoying being happy so I know that I'd probably end up being very rash and use the blog to vent my anger and sadness which I'm sure, wouldn't end well.

I'm also thinking of starting a new blog HAH, (because of course, if I don't have time for my current one, I'll sooo have time for two) because I've had a lot of fun following fashion blogs and beauty blogs and I think a haul blog would be nice for me to keep track of my shopping addiction and use it productively.

Sunny Skies


As the days are warming,
my smiles are wider, my skip is lighter, and my bounce is higher.

I'm waiting impatiently for the heart-warming prickle of a hot hot sun,
and the relief of a cool breeze in the scarce shade of a 30 degree day.
For the sand sticking between saline drenched toes
and the bronzed glow of an unwanted tan.

Summer, you've been playing hard to get for far to long.
You're toying with my feelings and messing with my health.
Keeping me far too keen,
my moment's joy whisked away by the remnants of a chilly winter breezes.

But never mind.
When you're here,
all will be forgiven,
because when you're here,
all is right.

Sorry sorry :(
I'm such a bad blogger, far too sporadic.


The briefest moment,

A luxury of the carefree.

Pure and untouched by the cacophony
of the furrowed brow.
When the last tremor of the body stills,
the gasping breath eases,
and the lids lay down gently,
it slips off to a peaceful place.

Where smiles are not necessary,
and tears do not flow.

Turtles ♥


Seriously. I laughed so hard.

Thrifting (and Shopping) Adventures


Another blog update.. and yet again, no creative juices are dripping :(
(That sounds so wildly gross and inappropriate, I apologise)

But I received my fortnightly paycheck on Saturday and then ended up getting a little extra cash from covering a friend's shift on Sunday!
I was super ecstatic to find that the hole in my bank account (I usually try and maintain my account above a specific amount) had now been filled and with a little room to move.
(*cough* splurge *cough*)

On Sunday night, Daniel, his cousin and I also decided to hit up Crown after my first [insert their last name here] family dinner.
For the first time, I didn't lose and I didn't break even!
Yay! I only upped $40 actually haha but then again, my buy-in was at $30.

So obviously, my weekend involved shopping, to make up for the lack-thereof these past few weeks.

- Boys, this is your chance to escape before it gets boring -

Shirt for work
A bra also for work (kidding)

Dress (for work)
A non-cropped black blazer (FINALLY) - it also has some pretty cool detail on the back

Aaaaaaaaah so much fun!
I found something at every single op shop we entered (only 3 though)

So the purchases in order:

A silver clutch style purse, with a gold chain
(I can't wait to wear this clubbing or out to dinner, I can picture it hanging off my LBD-wearing self who has one foot out the door)

A dusty pink blouse
(Of the floaty-with-strips-to-tie-into-a-bow kind)

Another blazer
(Checked, very vintage Rory-Gilmore-journalist-esque)

Two books :D
(To add to the overflowing "to read" pile that I have garnered this holidays)

Anywhoo, I apologise for yet another post that has no artistic direction or journalistic flair whatsoever...
Mayhap it will return once I purchase that cute-but-too-sheer romper and beautiful vintage full length skirt that I've been eyeing.

Winter is for Unbearably Cold.

It seems like I've lost my depth, when it comes to my writing at least. I have not had any brilliant (or not so brilliant) ideas for a creative writing post so this is just going to be a chunk of word vomit - not of the nicely written kind - regaling the happenings in my (not so) exciting life.

Winter break is already in the process of slipping away but I still do not feel rested :(
The first week or two were fast flying, with plans made for almost everyday and gaps filled with impromptu fun fun :D

Sadly, that puts a lot of strain on your bank account when you're only earning a day's worth of income per week despite supposedly being employed in 2 -3 places...

So I became a homebody and have been spending a lot of lovely time with Daniel. I really should get out and about but I'm too lazy. It really doesn't help that half the time, the day is almost over by the time I get up out of bed because I don't have the foresight to consider sleeping early to wake up for a productive day.
I actually still enjoy myself a lot but its starting to get boring, though we did manage to squeeze in a game of Monopoly today and then proceed to discuss the reason why we shouldn't play with other people: nepotism (of the non-family kind).

If someone has ANY suggestions for what I can do to entertain myself (besides watch dramas which I actually haven't even had time for) shoot them my way! But be careful in your enthusiasm because I really do not want bruises like the ones I got from paintball thanks to Daniel and some randoms.

Whinge time!
Stupid Tiger Airways has gone and ruined my exciting (almost) trip to QLD with some of my girlies next week and by ruined, I mean sinking its teeth in, tearing a gash and shaking it until the entire plan is ripped to shreds.
Stupid stupid employer who shalt not be named for professional purposes who happens to be taking 4 months to finally get my contracts in order, and arrange for me to train so I can ACTUALLY WORK AND EARN MONEY. Seriously, they recently just hired 2 more girls...who will be trained with me. Really? I wait 4 months then have to train with girls who have only had to wait 2 weeks? Nothing against the girls, I'm just rageragerage about it.
Grumble grumble grumble.

I have officially been reinstated as gym junkie: something good came from my being too late for my first Bikram Yoga class (which I'd already put off for literally a year). I have no idea what effect gym is having but I definitely feel better about myself - despite that I wake up sore most mornings from my decidedly insane new-found dedication to gyming.

ALSO. Something that made em very happy..which I didn't even buy in the end was the cutest bright orange purse. It was bright a la Quirky Explosion.
The straps were as long as your average satchel and it was super structured - 50s style but more geometric.
Ohmygod I was so in love.
Daniel then proceeded to tell me it was disgusting and ugly but that it suited me. "What, cause I'm ugly too?".
So I walked away from it...I'm not sure if I regret it or not but it made me happy!

And thats all the crap I feel I need to subject you all through :D
Happy Holidays!

- Edit -

I just went through my stats and realized there has been (surprisingly) some traffic on my blog recently..minimal but considering my inactivity shocking anyway.

The hilarious part is that the traffic sources listed are sites about dieting and diet plans BAHAHA.

No, honestly, that's so comical.
I'm terrible at dieting..

(I have attempted it on many an occasion in the simplest form - stop eating crap)

I never really last long, not because of a lack of perseverance but because of a lack of will.
I always start it and realize that I'm a perfectly healthy size, and leaning toward skinny so why bother?
My metabolism compensates for the majority of the garbage I consume, and laziness prevents me from over-snacking exorbitantly so dieting never quiet goes to plan for me.
Believe me, I thank my metabolism everyday.


There's a lifting smile and bouncing step slipping into my days.
Shoulders light with thoughts of
moments few and far between.

Such precious, bright moments.

as the glimmer of daylight above,
as the sparkle of sunlight with the remnant warmth of a ray that, somehow, scatter the depths.

With such brevity, needlessly ruined pasts fade from memory.
Each second, treasured.

Common routine habits, shared.
With a lingering touch here, and a startled laugh there,
the spaces between time melt away.

Start Again

-cue Harry Potter Theme Song-

Just a wandering face in the crowd,
washed about in the volatile waves of the sea of the Nameless.
Cut yourself free,
unanchored to past ports,
you float whimsically.

Day after day,
familiar scenes flicker past,
ponder, occasionally, to rest
but no,
you're waiting for a shore that feels just right.

But slowly,
time passes.

Yet still, you drift.

That dubious feeling,
eerily reminiscent,
slithers through your mind.

Yes uncertainty.
Until you begin to flail.

Peer up at the sky
and catch a glimpse,
of an even better world.

Those Twinkling City Lights

Scandalous runs creep up risqué tights,
as a pulse comes alive, eyes close,
hearts throb with the rising beat
bringing rushing blood to a quiver.

Inching hems rise up silky expanses of limb,
with the music swilling all around,
all the bodies flood with the sound.
Glasses fill. Empty. Refill.

Smiles turn to giggles while
straps slip and droop off bare shoulders,
innocuous glances become husky murmurs
and swaying silhouettes intertwine.

And so the night goes on,
in the shadows of those twinkling lights.

eeep. I've sorta shied away from this sorta writing up until now but it seems fitting with all my "leisure activities" these days, when did daytime movies turn into 3am nights?

Shards Left Behind

There is chaos in the corridors of my mind.

Hearts out to Japan.

It is a place that has touched my life.

Such a tragedy, with the enormity of its devastation always reminds us:
Cherish life.

Anyway But Right Here

See that distance?
Thats where I want to be.
Far away,
and out of focus.

You'll know I'm there but only just.

I could doze in the lazy shade,
and admire unrivaled perfection I'll never touch.
I could dance under stars,

Thats the thing about anonymous solitude,
you can do whatever you please.

now I'm off to read a book and maybe take a nap
I'm so excited about uni but o-week is tiring me out

Just So Lucky

How is it that one ventures upon love?
Armed with a glance?
A smile?
An open heart?

The unsuspected surprise for two unguarded souls.
Some aren't so lucky.

How does a brief hello become a thousand words,
and conversations of silence?
Where all there is to be said
can be said without excess,
with tacit lips.
Unknowing surrender.

Some wouldn't dare

Pools of tears beneath our feet,
weary shadows in our souls.
A trail of scattered emotions marking the road
from that time long ago to here, now.

Some wish they were already there.

But for once, a Will will not pave the way
By chance only do sparkling eyes and coquettish smiles
turn to comforting silences
and proffered shoulders become the brush of fingertips
and tangled digits amidst tousled hair

All in time..
but I think I've found mine.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.
May you be fortunate, when the time is right.

Dedicated to a Special Someone
“I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds– but I think of you always in those intervals.”
- Salvador Plascencia

ps. this is a little late, I haven't had a chance to write it since I was struck with a just-about-to-conk-out-in-bed bout of inspiration (and even written its a bit too rough for my liking)
pps. guess who has a job interview soon?!

Cloud Nine

Thats right,
the big one eight.
The Aussie 21
Which is happening.. well, in 46 minutes and 39 seconds (at the time of writing)

Adulthood? Pffft no way.

I have been excited for the past two days but right now,
I could care less.

I've just received the most amazing birthday present
from the sweetest and best boyfriend in the entire world (I kid you not)
and I'm just floating.

Its rare that one will receive such a thoughtful and sincere gift,
if ever, in their lifetime.

I actually cried from joy.
And I don't care how many of my friends are reading this cringing,
I feel like a princess.

That I've made it to my 18th birthday,
is not that big a deal.
The real cause to celebrate
is the wonderfully unique array of people in my life, who've made these past 18 years worth living.
For the tears, memories, laughs, support and silliness over the years,
to every one of you who has impacted on any delightful moment of my life,
thank you.

Really and truly.
I love you.

On a Less Depressing Note...

I am currently unemployed.

Well not really, but the same old 7.5 hour shift a week part-time at the same place I've worked for the past three years really doesn't count.


Which isn't really a big deal, considering I'm still on my summer break pending First Year Uni (and really who wants to be doing anything right now?) but still.
I would enjoy some serious employment.
By serious, I mean retail.

About 10000000 applications later,
I'm still idling around hoping for a response before my availability changes
(by the way, thats in oh, under 20 days)

Alas! I'm too busy enjoying my holidays to care

There's still so much I planned to do that I haven't gotten around to,
like that damn scrapbook I have only begun to plan.

And I really REALLY need to find some way to keep track of all my clothes (ideas anyone?) so I can stop myself buying slinky little numbers like the one I bought yesterday.
Along with the (shockhorror) first pair of close-toed pumps I've ever bought.

What have I been doing with my life until now?!

Oooh and also, 18 in a few days! c:

Gosh I feel sorry for any boys who deign to read this. But yes, random blurble ^^, in a different style, more blogospheresque I suppose.

Dark Places

Where do they come from?
These fears. Anxieties. Doubts.

The ones that manifest inside: tendrils slyly licking away at the edges of our...vitality.

We reach inside in our times of hardship,
capsizing, surrendering ourselves to familiar feelings.
Of hollowness.
Of biting cold.
Of a void and aching throbs.

But we reach.

Darkness can not fall
and shadows can not seek—
they follow.

Why is it that bearing the brunt of neglect is described as iciness?
Is our selfish need to be cared for so numbing?
Or is it the frosty slap of the winter chill against our wounds,
the ones we nurse for days, in indignant injustice?
Why can't it be like the nightfall,
a redirection of the sun's spotlight,
to alight upon another?

Why is loneliness a chill?
It may be a lack of warmth amidst a ray toasted crowd
but it does not have to be wintry.
Let it be...a moment of peace.
A chance to embrace you and your own.

Why are even emotions so absolute?

I'm not going to pretend I don't frequent that barely lit depth in my mind,
but I believe in the power to walk away from it.

My anger is a puddle, I simply step out

Live in the emotion, savor its existence.
Ultimately, it is still an experience.
And at least, you're feeling.
But choose to let it go.


I guess in the end, everyone can be pushed too far,
and I never thought it possible but there came a day where even I ran out of tears to cry.

But thats was yesterday.

And now this is today c:
Things are looking up,
so far,
positively wonderful ^^

This Summer

Days melding into nights,
nights so alive,
people, faces, music, moving.

Excited babble,
Long-awaited plans
become surreal flights landing

Tired feet in well worn heels,
markets, malls, childhood wonderlands,
foreign languages soothing ears

Sleepy kisses, sunset picnics
Lazing on a scorching shore
Just living.


For what its worth, you make my days,
the same way that you break them.

Nowadays I wish I could do without,
but I guess its a little late.
Too far gone.


Rest, it eludes me.
eyes closed, eyes open,
I see nothing

Nothing but a shadow,
hazy streaks upon the stony ceiling
as time passes, inching slowly,
my heart begins to stumble,

then a Fall.
doubts dragging me down below
sinister thoughts, lurking,
awaiting in the depths
familiar faces absent from above

And the musty darkness envelops me
Squeezing. Seizing my lungs.
A gasp,
A breath,
A breeze.
A waif-like sliver of light

The scent of hope in a distant corner
there lies the moonlit window
a faint light reaching out its hand.

ps. I know I said to expect a sequel but not quite yet! This is a joint project with my friend (:
feedback please!

Last Summer

An absent-minded arm dangles recklessly from the couch
Snippets of seamless conversation flicker by unheard
Another errant limb rests, floating just above the floor
The artificial breeze blows cool upon a cheek, a forehead, a hairline
Skin glistening like the dewy drops of condensation
Trickling from the glass with its clinking cubes of ice
Mindless Days Pass