Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

On a Less Depressing Note...

I am currently unemployed.

Well not really, but the same old 7.5 hour shift a week part-time at the same place I've worked for the past three years really doesn't count.


Which isn't really a big deal, considering I'm still on my summer break pending First Year Uni (and really who wants to be doing anything right now?) but still.
I would enjoy some serious employment.
By serious, I mean retail.

About 10000000 applications later,
I'm still idling around hoping for a response before my availability changes
(by the way, thats in oh, under 20 days)

Alas! I'm too busy enjoying my holidays to care

There's still so much I planned to do that I haven't gotten around to,
like that damn scrapbook I have only begun to plan.

And I really REALLY need to find some way to keep track of all my clothes (ideas anyone?) so I can stop myself buying slinky little numbers like the one I bought yesterday.
Along with the (shockhorror) first pair of close-toed pumps I've ever bought.

What have I been doing with my life until now?!

Oooh and also, 18 in a few days! c:

Gosh I feel sorry for any boys who deign to read this. But yes, random blurble ^^, in a different style, more blogospheresque I suppose.


Hey Yiing.

7.5 hours a week for work most certainly doesn't sound like a real job to me... But then again it's better than nothing I think. Keep on at it!

About the clothes, my ex roommate, who was a total fashion diva, would store all her clothes by color. Everything in her drawers and closet was separated by colors. Starting with black, then the reds and yellows and greens etc. If it had a bunch of colors she would put that in one section at the back. I really hope that helped.

Also, here is the link to the first blog I wrote about John (my current long-distance lover).

If you ever feel confused about something on my blog just type the keyword in the search box on the right sidebar and it will lead you to the blog posts. HUGS!



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