Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

The Wheel Keeps on Turning

revoluta ruebat matura iam luce dies noctemque fugarat
the wheel of day turns and the night had already fled.
- Vergil: Aeneid X

Its been so long since I included a quote...
and despite the fact that I was extremely ambitious when I decided to borrow a stack of books that not only made it difficult for me to see when scaling the horrific, altophobia-inducing stairs in our lovely light-filled VCE building but gave me a broken back and ensured I shrunk another 10 cm, I haven't read a book for ages.
Okay, I lied, but I haven't read as many as I'd like.

Sidetracked woo.

I can feel the blood of vitality being drained from me drop by drop as I sit in class.
I talk. I draw. I giggle.
I sleep with eyes open. I sleep on the shoulders of friends. I make strange noises and do silly things.
And sometimes, I just disappear for a toilet break, take a stroll, make myself some tea in the common room, chat with a passerby and return just in time for the bell to signal end of class.
Productive, I know.

Sometimes its enough,
sufficient for the the day to be labelled "good".
But what the hell is good?

I'm not happy with content,
not satisfied with enough,
and not fine with okay.

I want thrills.
I want fireworks.
And all that fancy shmancy stuff with lace and frills.
and all. that. jaaaaaaaaaazz~

But the only person who can determine that is me.
I'm a strong believer in "it's the attitude not the event", I don't really let things get on top of me.
I mean, why would you?
Why see a half empty glass, when it could be half full?
Why see a moonless sky, when it could be reigned by stars?
Why see it as getting wet, when it could be dancing in the rain?

ps: today was a good day.
pps: my posts are becoming extremely selfish hrmmm.
ppps: apologies for the grainy and crappy quality photo, but it was a phone photo taken by yours truly and its one of, (if not THE), the most beautiful photos I've ever taken. It was a bright day, and I was lazing around with friends under the retiring sun near Flinders St. Needless to say, it surpassed the average good day. ^^


sweet, if not a little more self absorbed than usual :)


I just stumbled upon (intentionally found) your blog on Daydream Believer's and I wanted to let you know that I love the way you write. And what are blogs for if not to be a little self absorbed. Anywho, I really enjoy what I've read so far and look forward to more.

<3 Lauka


Thank you lauramc!

Its people like you who make my evenings with surprise comments and little bundles of appreciation c:


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