Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.


The. Getaway. Plan. Revival. Concert.
for Youth Depression.

Yes boys and girls, my (possibly) all-time favourite band
(who sing in english, that is)
are doing a once in a lifetime reunion gig.

And guess what?
Another one of the bands from my slightly hardcore and very muso phase who hold a dear spot in my heart, Stealing O'Neal are supporting them.

No joke,
I actually started hyperventilating when I found out.
Just ask my poor unfortunate boyfriend who happened to be on the phone to me and mid-speech at the time.

What's so special about TGP you may ask?
They're amazing.
Purely mind-blowing slightly adorable potheads who are about the music.
Not to mention, they were my first gig.
Sentimentality and all the shiz.

for all you few and random anonymous and not so anonymous stalkers of mine,
if you are u18 and hellbent on being there too,
I may just see you.

Look for the tiny little asian girl
who appears to be being swallowed by the mosh
and yet is moshing her heart out and furiously ducking her way to the front row.

Night made (last night).

ps: Au contraire to my i-hate-the-world-comma-boys-are-stupid-and-today-sucks rant on the way to school this morning, I had a wonderful day, especially thanks to an epic food adventure with two of my fellow fatties who reduced me to convulsing fits of side-splitting laughter whilst walking alongside major roads. Poor poor drivers must think I'm retarded. On first glance, I'm a model student type private school girl (or so my blazer pocket suggests) making my way home afterschool. Glance two: wait where's she gone? Oh wait she's on the floor, her entire body wracked with...laughter?


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