Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

We Love Our Bread

We Love Our Butter,
but most of all,
we love each other.

No actually,
lets just leave it at we love our bread and butter.
Bread and Butter translates to toast.
For those who don't know me,
I'm often defined by and associated with certain things
(usually pertaining to food).

Ice Cream
and more recently,
Buttered Toast.

Whilst I still hold the others dearly in my heart,
I have to say I am currently possessed by an affliction
where I am constantly craving buttered toast.
And its not exactly easy on the hips.

But it brings me to my next point,
(sorry to disappoint those who hoped this would be a blog purely dedicated to the joys of toast, though I must say, it was tempting)

Fleeting joys.
From shiny new possessions,
to the warmth of crispy buttered toast melting in your mouth,
to smiles from strangers:
I find that little things are the embellishments on a wonderful day,
or the redemption for a terrible one.

People say that material things can only bring you temporary happiness,
but honestly,
it can actually bring you pure joy.

Sure, it doesn't often last,
but its enough to turn a day around.
Enough to put a smile on your face.
And that smile, is the trigger.
The trigger for the wheel of fortune to spin again and tilt in your favour.

A smile on your face
holds enough power to overcome all odds.

A smile leads to a laugh,
and a laugh holds the key to eternal happiness :)

Smile when no one's looking,
for yourself,
nobody else ♥


That post made my night - a very dreadful night it was. Thank you :)


amazing, what's your facebook?


hahah how about you email me yours.

happy stalking :)


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