Money honey,
makes the world go round.
It also vanishes from my bank account faster than I can say
"Oooh I like that one"
And whilst some around me encourage such bad habits,
(they understand that good retail therapy can never go astray),
Others chime in with a cacophony of clicking tongues
when I splurge significant amounts on an impulse buy.
when I splurge significant amounts on an impulse buy.
It is then,
amidst the scathing criticism of my spendthrift ways,
that I realise what I've done.
Oh, its usually a very worthwhile purchase,
and always with my own personal hard-earned money,
but it puts a damper on things
when I realise its probably more than I've ever spent on anything.
And it is possibly now one of the most expensive things I own...
So I have made an ultimatum
(one of many today actually,
it seems that today is my day of turning over a new leaf)
that I will watch what I spend and adjust accordingly.
That way, I can fork out for similiar future purchases
without feeling terribly guilty.
I'll let you know how I go :)
On another note,
why is it that we slave over ourselves
to impress people we don't know,
rather than the ones we love?
I suppose the answer is easy,
we're comfortable enough to show our true selves to those closest to us.
Is it wrong?
Some would say so,
I however beg to differ,
appreciate the ones around you
but always be prepared to make great first impressions.
good luck!
anonymous person who commented on another blog is back. LOL :3 i know i'm getting creepy, and possibly should reveal myself soon! :P
but omg, i understand with impulse buys! i've spent 90 bucks on two items of clothing, 60 a few weeks back and 450 for a formal dress. ROFL. but i keep justifying it by saying that they were all on sale! and i made that same ultimatum as you today, i hope i can stick by it too!
haha yes, i won't divulge how much worse my spree was
but lets just say, your total was my impulse buy.
and a few days before, i'd been a bit down and solved it with retail therapy :)
good luck with it, and let me know how you go!
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