Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Fate...or the Likes Thereof

"Now is the dramatic moment of fate, Watson, when you hear a step upon the stair which is walking into your life, and you know not whether for good or ill."

- The Hound of the Baskervilles

Do you believe in fate?
That there is a precursor to every moment that has been predetermined and is predestined?
That there are things you just have no control over?
That there are people you are bound to meet,
to love,
to hate,
to lose?

Then it begs the question, how big a role does fate play in everyone's life?
When shit hits the fan,
do you just let it be and let fate take over?
Or do you take matters into your own hands?
Will fighting it even matter?
Does fate even exist?

And then there's karma.
what you give is what you get returned..
(cue Savage Garden ♥)

In ancient Greek mythology, there's a story about the three daughters of Zeus and Themis who deal the hand of each person at their birth. There's Clotho, who spins the thread of human life, Lachesis who allocates good an bad fortunes and Atropos who holds a pair of scissors to cut the end of the life.

Personally, I'd love to believe it,
its a great idea.

In fact,
I generally like to believe
in a greater force beyond our control,
that will push us in the right direction,
and enforces karma
but we will never know.

So for now,
live, and let live.

And fight on, if its worth it.

Photo by my extremely talented budding photographer friend Jeannine Tan


Why think about fate?

If it exist then you can't change it, then why think about it.

You seem to enjoy Greek mythology. Read Golden Prince by Ken Cataran


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