Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Unhealthy Dispositions.

Of the hostile, unfriendly nature.

Is it just me or are there people who you are naturally inclined to have less patience with?
People who just strike a nerve the second they open their mouth,
or just piss you off with their presence?

Not even necessarily people that you hate.
A lot of the time its just friends.
People you can't bring yourself to break away from.
Or people who you can't stand until you see them again
and remember why you're friends in the first place

People who's characteristic tendencies slowly began to eat at you, gnawing until it grates on your nerves.
Or just people who you trust to be there so much that you push them onto the back burner, always.

For example,
this person makes a comment and you crack the shits.
But, if it were someone else, you'd just let it slide, or laugh it off.
Sometimes, its cause these people have different personalities.
Other times, its just because they irritate you,
or just aren't someone you feel the need to pretend you're okay in front of.

Hmm food for thought.


If some of these people that you speak of are your "friends", perhaps you need to confront some of these troughs in your relationships with those specific people.

Yes, being upfront with a friend is detrimental towards your friendship... but how long do you plan to conceal yourself behind a facade of forced smiles or false intrest in these people?

It's only a suggestion that you tell them. Perhaps a resolution can be fermented from such discussions. Worst to worst, you would only lose that friendship. But, if they do irritate you, then is it really a loss of friends? Hmmm.

After all, we are all human. Misinterpretations is a common flaw in all of us. Your friends can take it the wrong way or the way you intended to if you do not let them know occasionaly what is wrong. If you do continue fluctuated phases of smiles and then frowns towards these people without letting them truly understand, then only a a friendship devoid of any sense of trust or satisfaction can be a ramification. Take control of what you can now, before others get the wrong idea. Or if there is absolutely no happiness in such a relationship, then simply, let go.



Friends are family that we choose. You choose to still be involved and you choose to still make an effort.

You still choose to be friends with them.


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