Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Ho Hum ~

When life hits its worst, the only way for it to go is up.

That, however, has no relation whatsoever to my life right now,
"cause everything's just wonderful".
Yeah, I just quoted Lily Allen. Oh dear.

I can't say that everything has been great, but for some reason, I've become so accustomed to being optimistic that I don't even know how to wallow in pity and self misery anymore. For very long anyway.

Despite the fact that I am far far behind in terms of school work, failed at all my plans of getting ahead and pure dedication to VCE, I am looking forward to this new term.
With or without homework in hand.
For one, I'm excited about (my last) Arts Fest that is just around the corner. What a tearjerker.
No really, I'm rather emotional that way.

On an extremely positive note,
I am pleased to announce that the lives of everyone around me are starting to look infinitely more bright, or rather, less lonely due to many many fresh relationships.
There are those that some of us have been urging to happen for AGES and those which have come as a surprised to the person's personal cheerleaders (I do actually own pompoms).
But either way, I can't help but smile inside at it all.

Its nice to know that people have found someone to co-exist with, intimately (Yeah, bad joke, sorry). We all need to know that there is someone to rely on and as a girl,
I can honestly admit that, buried in the realms of my deepest dreams,
I am still hoping to be a princess with a prince charming

But at the same time, I don't see any necessity for everyone to bind themselves to one other person, I'm enjoying my lone wanderer lifestyle at the moment, it allows for so much selfishness.
And you can still appreciate the beauty of other people's relationship,
whilst flouncing about in a carefree state of single-ship.

However, I can't deny that there is always a dark lurking fear of being alone for the rest of my eternity.

Did I mention I started another diary?
Yup, emphasis on another, because I always manage to slowly stray away.

I took the photo with my old camera before it broke and my new and amazing tx9 came into my possession. I'm no photographer, but I find new technology and all things shiny simply irresistable.
Ahh, to dwell in a materialistic world.

edit: wow, long post much?


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