Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.


Never thought I'd say this but..
Mmmm, fine cuisine.
Hehe, I'm such a foodie.

Now onto more pressing matters!
Art Fest is just around the corner, steaming down the hill.
Its so exciting, intense and bustling.
My life becomes a whirlwind of endless tasks,
a time-turner worthy amount of places to be, if only there were more than one of me.
Everyone's stressed or freaking out or just taking a back seat and observing the commotion.
Someone said to me that they hate this time of year, because: even though its so much fun,
it brings out the worst in people.

I have to agree, but I love this time of year.
With the worst, comes the best.
People really step up.
Even though the claws are out,
everyone knows to let it go in these obstreperous times.

At the same time, I think its better to see the uglier side of people.
I'd rather see their true self,
them at their worst,
than to always live under the false impression that they're sweet, angelic good Samaritans that could do no wrong.

Its about being able to love and appreciate the people around you when they are revealing their ugliest face.
Ew, deceptive beauty, Maestro, ya da ya da ya.
I love the book.
But I hate text response.


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