Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Freee like a bird!

If only I had wings...

So, this post is to announce that, I (or me or myself or whatever else I may like referring to myself as because guess what bitches? NO ONE CARES ABOUT MY GRAMMAR ANYMORE wooooo!) am officially free.
Completely, utterly and irrevocably free for the next, hmm lets see, like 3 + months?

Yeaaaahhhh, thats right!
I can do ANYTHING I want... soooo much time, but then again theres so much to do...
And yes, that does include reorganising EVERYTHING I own, my room, my clothes, my makeup, even my stuffed toys if I so wish (which btw my grandmother cutely organised in a little row while I was sitting my exams) because I'm OCD like that and yeah, they count as things to do, which..sadly.. I will actually really enjoy doing hehe.
Words cannot express the overwhelming elation that surged through me when I look up at the clock, and there it was: 5 minutes til the end of my VCE. I was literally BEAMING.
So..I guess words really can express it >_>

Apologies for my psychotic hyperactive freedom induced state, posting will resume as per usual asap, as in soon as in like, probably in the next few hours if my dramas don't hypnotise me...which, on second thoughts, they probably will so, probably tomorrow then!
I have one in the works (:

Ps. no picture, because I don't want to ruin any remotely artistic creation with my current ridiculousness


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