Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Unscrewed Jars

I imagine this is what finishing exams will be like.
I also imagine this is a perfect representation of people.

I want to be a free fluttering butterfly,
the lone thrill seeker on the bottom left,
or the keen flyer with company on the top right.

I don't want to be stuck in the jar.
I don't want to be tangled in the chaotic, claustrophobic community.
I don't want to be soaring so high and close that I lose my colour.

To do your own thing,
but not alienate yourself.
To love and be loved,
but not conform.

But yeah, this photo is sah purdy.
That is all.

A lot of my past few posts have been inspired by the image rather than the image fitting the post.
Apologies for my lack of posting as I cough pathetically, wheeze and attempt to deliver oxygen to my brain to prevent disgusting headache. Yes I'm begging for sympathy, no I can't excuse my writer's block.


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