Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.


As the years pass, people walk in and out of our lives.
Friends we grow up with and amiable acquaintances who we happen upon for stretches of the path.
But sometimes we weary of our companions,
no matter how dear they are to us.
Or we start to pursue separate trails,
in hope of reaching our separate destinations.

We grow, and our eyes are opened to the world,
bit by bit,
we start to see different things.
The light reflecting in our eyes are,
beaming from different directions.
The glowing embers housing different hues.

And its such a shame.
For we know each other too well to risk becoming enemies,
and we're too used to each other to let go,
but we have to.
Its the only way to save us,
by leaving behind a perfect memory,
and cutting the film before it turns awry.


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