Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

The Lies in Our Memories

Why is it that we always look back on the past so fondly?
Was it really so much better than the here and now?
Were all the idyllic sepia framed moments infinitely more prolific and passionate?

Was the world a better place?
Was life a little better to live?
Was our unfurling scroll of scripted cares meagre in comparison?

No, not really.
Its just that in our memories are the product,
the final polished film,
framed for our minds.

They're wonderful, memories.
The mundane gaps of life slip to the floor in editing suites,
and the hours of suspense are bridged with special effects.

Its all highlights,
with vibrance that doesn't quite match that of the original time and place
but its better,
isn't it?

I mean,
the only hints of dreary reality are merely for contrast and effect.

The pretty pictures are a delightful destination to reminisce,
but too much duller than the truth to dwell.

I'd rather live in the here and now.
Appreciate the colours we see so true.

Check out my ojiisan's blogpost on a similar topic..
I stole his picture and replaced my old one for this post... after reading

(I will be using the old one for a new blogpost, later, after exams, and I'll replace the link then)


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