Stand upright, speak thy thoughts, declare the truth thou hast, that all may share; Be bold, proclaim it everywhere: They only live who dare.
Take a chance, you never know
Every moment, is the slice of a memory. Share it.
Every thought is the whisper of an identity. Say it.
Every hope is the beginning of a dream. Seize it.
And when you're done,
it'll have been a life worth living.
Quick Update on Life Detox:
So, I haven't quite stuck with the plan.
But, the core principle behind it has remained intact :)
Photo by Ailbhe o'Donnell
- Lewis Morris
Take a chance, you never know
Every moment, is the slice of a memory. Share it.
Every thought is the whisper of an identity. Say it.
Every hope is the beginning of a dream. Seize it.
And when you're done,
it'll have been a life worth living.
Quick Update on Life Detox:
So, I haven't quite stuck with the plan.
But, the core principle behind it has remained intact :)
Photo by Ailbhe o'Donnell
hehe go yiling~!
- thien :D
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