Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

A Little Something Extra-ordinary

Yo listen up here's a story,
about a:
girl (:

I'm blue da ba dee da ba di...

this one's a little different.
I'm going to trial this whole actually blogging explicitly about my life thing.

I attended my friend's formal last night, which was really fun,
though my foot doth protest at the idea that dancing could be enjoyable.

These occasions only come up once in a while,
and it really is exciting to get dressed up all nice, hop in a hummer, and be whisked to a fancy venue for edible food and much much dancing.
I wish formals happened more often, but I suppose the fact that its rare is what makes it so special.

It goes so fast.
After bumping into Sarah, about halfway through getting my hair done, the buzz started kicking in.
The jittery excitement before a big event.
Kaya and I were scrambling around, hard-pressed for time after taking an excessive amount of time putting our faces on...
and then it all went on fast forward, accompanied by a very fast faced soundtrack that kept me on my feet the entire night.

And there, you have gained a not particularly interesting insight into my life (:


very interesting you loser :P
<3 :)


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