Every single person has some expectation of you.
Of who you are.
Or rather, whom they presume you to be, to do, to accomplish.
So what?
Refuse to fit into their expectations on the basis of some ridiculous social norm.
We change, adapt, grow.
We're vines upon a wall, we may scale the heights bit by bit but not all of us reach the rooftop.
We get lost in the tangled mess of other people's lives, or we latch on, and entwine ourselves with others, possibly getting lost in the process.
We don't always fit grid, for better or worse.
We change.
Everyone expects something.
Even you.
And when you can't live up to your own expectations, that hurts.
Disappointing yourself,
when you yourself should know best what your limitations are,
stings like a bitch.
Its hard not to let that self-deprecating,
spiteful monster inside you take over and brutally batter you.
Every single person has some expectation of you.
Of who you are.
Or rather, whom they presume you to be, to do, to accomplish.
So what?
Refuse to fit into their expectations on the basis of some ridiculous social norm.
We change, adapt, grow.
We're vines upon a wall, we may scale the heights bit by bit but not all of us reach the rooftop.
We get lost in the tangled mess of other people's lives, or we latch on, and entwine ourselves with others, possibly getting lost in the process.
We don't always fit grid, for better or worse.
We change.
Everyone expects something.
Even you.
And when you can't live up to your own expectations, that hurts.
Disappointing yourself,
when you yourself should know best what your limitations are,
stings like a bitch.
Its hard not to let that self-deprecating,
spiteful monster inside you take over and brutally batter you.