Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.


Props to my acquaintances for this photo of an old acquiantance :)
Haha, don't you just love facebook stalking? But seriously, I love this photo.

Onwards, exams are almost over, and the summer is booked full and lined up to let loose.
But right now, I'm questioning what this is all worth?
Honestly, even our principal says, in a few years time you won't even remember your ENTER, but we've spent the last 10 years of our lives working up to this point. The only real life skills we've learnt are how to keep ourselves amused and cramming.

At the same time, I wonder what I'm going to get out of all these parties and "unique" shenanigans.
It seems I've developed a taste for all things different and trying to burst out of this lifeless little Melbournian bubble.
Don't get me wrong, I love Melbourne, it's all I really know, but HK and China and stuff really opened my eyes these past few years.
You don't really know what you're missing til you've experienced it firsthand. Nowadays, I seem to be constantly craving for more excitement and something new and eccentric and different.

Ahhh, the struggle to be different.
Its like being worldy, double edged sword that's both an insult and a compliment.
Addictive, yet devastating.


Melbourne weather can be such a pain.
Yesterday was beautiful and so was today, until about 2pm, then it started getting all muggy and humid.

Having reached the end of year 11 mark, I seem to be in a perpetually lethargic state.
At school, "the lasts" have started popping up everywhere. It would be sad but the past few years have gone by as such a blur. It's funny how it seems like it drags on and on but at the end, you suddenly get scared of how fast its gone. I suppose I'm the sentimental type, don't get me wrong, I'm so ready for uni and this strange "coming of age" freedom that it seems to mean for asians, but memories are pretty important.

I had this discussion with a Chinese tutor about a month ago, cause we both agreed that only a small percentage of your life is worthwhile, the memorable moments, and we seem to spend the majority of the rest of the time reminiscing about them.
So I've been hinting at parents for a new camera for next year because I'm considering scrapbooking next year.

Bring on the holidays.

So It's Not My Year...

which is rather devastating.
Whilst I can safely say I've gotten some of the best times out of this year, particularly music-wise, it's pretty much had the most lowlights too. Particularly the whole second failing of my Jap exchange thing.
Because of the stupid swine flu, I might not get to go.
This year was my last chance because the annoying exchange girl last year pulled out.

In other, happy news, J came over today, J being my best friend.
We keep in touch I guess, but we hardly ever see each other, but in the 3 hour period I spent with her today, I laughed more than I have the past fortnight.
The fact that we lead completely separate lives probably helps the whole friendship thing.
We've honestly only ever argued once.
Which is pretty amazing considering that my other best friend, K, and I argue about 42 times a day.

Besides keeping me entertained, she also restocked my anime collection baha.
So I'm finally watching Cowboy Bebop and possibly going to restart FMA, or at least watch the new version.
Oh, and that game on the DS, that Rhythm one...
it is SO addicting...

Should consider approaches to asking if I can go to my friend's 18th this weekend, wish me luck.

Fruit Juice

I'm home, yet again, sick.
This is the 3rd time in a month!
Considering that I'm sick for about a week each time, that's practically 3/4 of a month spent dwelling in a cloud of coughs, sneezes, blocked noses and tissues.
For once the doctor was actually of some use, she gave me swine flu medicine, just in case, and because it will help me get better either way.

I think I jinxed myself by saying that I've never gotten the flu. Before last week, I'd only ever had colds and now look what happened..

I've been told to drink lots of fruit juice and at least 3 litres of water a day...which is ridiculous considering I only ever drink about a glass of water a day, so now I have to at least 3 times more toilet runs.
Sickening really.

My mum called me this morning and told me that my aunt (who's a doctor) said that I should do handstands against a wall because they help clear your nose and throat or something...
Who knows?
It might just work.
It's just unfortunate that I have a horrible centre of balance when upside down and the last time I attempted a handstand against a wall, I ended up cart-wheeling into it.
Albeit, that was years ago but I've avoided them ever since.

Of Paper Stars & Crosswords

(not to mention Sudokus)

This image never ceases to amuse me.

And thus, I begin yet another attempt at blogging.
Triggered by yet another bout of inspiration, I'm starting to grasp at poetic blog names etc.

Apparently, a clutter free room is a reflection on one's life. If this is true, my life is clearly an organised mess but yes, I am accumulating clutter. Everything from strips of premade and prepackaged paper for making paper stars to puzzle pages from past copies of The Age and Herald Sun which I have yet to get around to completing.

Which leads me to a small, inconsequential dilemma in the face of my oh-so-important life choices, sudokus or crosswords?

It's not as simple as words or numbers.

I shall sleep on it.
And inevitably, never reach a conclusion.
Which really seems to be a recurrent conclusion to everything in my life.