Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Fruit Juice

I'm home, yet again, sick.
This is the 3rd time in a month!
Considering that I'm sick for about a week each time, that's practically 3/4 of a month spent dwelling in a cloud of coughs, sneezes, blocked noses and tissues.
For once the doctor was actually of some use, she gave me swine flu medicine, just in case, and because it will help me get better either way.

I think I jinxed myself by saying that I've never gotten the flu. Before last week, I'd only ever had colds and now look what happened..

I've been told to drink lots of fruit juice and at least 3 litres of water a day...which is ridiculous considering I only ever drink about a glass of water a day, so now I have to at least 3 times more toilet runs.
Sickening really.

My mum called me this morning and told me that my aunt (who's a doctor) said that I should do handstands against a wall because they help clear your nose and throat or something...
Who knows?
It might just work.
It's just unfortunate that I have a horrible centre of balance when upside down and the last time I attempted a handstand against a wall, I ended up cart-wheeling into it.
Albeit, that was years ago but I've avoided them ever since.


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