Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.


Props to my acquaintances for this photo of an old acquiantance :)
Haha, don't you just love facebook stalking? But seriously, I love this photo.

Onwards, exams are almost over, and the summer is booked full and lined up to let loose.
But right now, I'm questioning what this is all worth?
Honestly, even our principal says, in a few years time you won't even remember your ENTER, but we've spent the last 10 years of our lives working up to this point. The only real life skills we've learnt are how to keep ourselves amused and cramming.

At the same time, I wonder what I'm going to get out of all these parties and "unique" shenanigans.
It seems I've developed a taste for all things different and trying to burst out of this lifeless little Melbournian bubble.
Don't get me wrong, I love Melbourne, it's all I really know, but HK and China and stuff really opened my eyes these past few years.
You don't really know what you're missing til you've experienced it firsthand. Nowadays, I seem to be constantly craving for more excitement and something new and eccentric and different.

Ahhh, the struggle to be different.
Its like being worldy, double edged sword that's both an insult and a compliment.
Addictive, yet devastating.


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