Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Snip Snip

Its about that time again,
for me to trim around some rough edges.
The edges that are fuzzy, comforting in their well worn familiarity.

We're all going for perfection,
whether it exists or not.
And even if it only exists in a captured sunset or a fleeting moment
we can still inch closer and closer,
can't we?

Be that little bit more beautiful,
not just physically.

Be that little bit more genuine,
or at least sincere.

Be that little bit more happy, all the time,
like the gentle lull of waves rolling into the shore.

I want to make it that far.

To find myself,
to cut away at the tangled maze of film,
snipping blindly,
searching for that perfect shot.

Maybe I'll miss something better, but at least when I start whittling the options down,
I can choose the best I know and the best I see.

An unwalked road is not worth looking at, if its already behind you.

The best is in front of you, waiting to be tread.
The rest are all could-have-beens, what ifs
the rest is all uncertainty.


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