Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Seasons of Love and Turning Time

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife

In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year in the life?

Reflecting on a year and how its flown,
my fingertips can only grasp and tangle themselves through
the trailing wisps of memories

A year of firsts, lasts, hellos, goodbyes and everything in between.
A year of so many things,
so many people,
and so many precious moments.

I'm sure every year has been the same,
but this one more poignant than most.

I grew a little older,
laughed a little harder,
and cried a little more.

Hesitation, deliberation,
tentative steps forward.

This is how a new year, always begins.

ps. sorrrrrrry ><
mass apologies, however, I have been overseas, so I feel like I am justified in my failure to post.
I swear there will be more posts soon, if not of the type you're all used to.

Snip Snip

Its about that time again,
for me to trim around some rough edges.
The edges that are fuzzy, comforting in their well worn familiarity.

We're all going for perfection,
whether it exists or not.
And even if it only exists in a captured sunset or a fleeting moment
we can still inch closer and closer,
can't we?

Be that little bit more beautiful,
not just physically.

Be that little bit more genuine,
or at least sincere.

Be that little bit more happy, all the time,
like the gentle lull of waves rolling into the shore.

I want to make it that far.

To find myself,
to cut away at the tangled maze of film,
snipping blindly,
searching for that perfect shot.

Maybe I'll miss something better, but at least when I start whittling the options down,
I can choose the best I know and the best I see.

An unwalked road is not worth looking at, if its already behind you.

The best is in front of you, waiting to be tread.
The rest are all could-have-beens, what ifs
the rest is all uncertainty.

Life Update!


You'd think that with holidays getting well under way I'd be back in the swing of blogging and blogging every other day just because I have so much complete freedom, but no, turning into a busy busy bee ^^
And when I'm not busy... I'm just too tired or lazy to do anything remotely productive, in fact I've barely even watched any dramas.

I have nothing worthwhile to say D:
Although, I was in a blogging mood last night/this morning because I got carried away writing a "creative" cover letter...but by the time I finished it was 2.30 am and my laptop battery had died..actually, on second thoughts, I didn't finish battery just died sooooo yes.

Grad ball was fun and even though I was going to blog something sentimental and nostalgic, I haven't been able to bring my lazy fingers to type away furiously, :c feeling very uninspired.

Results came out and I'm quite pleased, considering my continued slack behaviour this year.
Also turned down a scholarship for RMIT yesterday...I did want to do Journalism, but my first preference is still Psych at Monash, so I'm holding out for that.
Fingers crossed that I don't regret turning down RMIT...after all, their Journalism course is amazing and scholarships are win.

Oh and I turned into a gym junkie briefly...funny, huh?

Hey Ho and Away We Go

In a splendid mood xD
However that usually also means I've been busy living and therefore going to deliver a fail blogpost,
just sharing this photo because it's beautiful..
and tumblrwhoring

This is Days Twenty-One - Twenty-Four of that Tumblr Challenge I have yet to finish :/

I liked this piece at the time,
but if you get bored please just look at the other pretty picture I reblogged instead (: