Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Tightropes and Rickety Bridges


Been there, done that.
Yet we can't just untick a box and opt to "unsubscribe" from them,
its just not that easy.

And if you haven't got any,
you're not living life,
you're not feeling.

We try to peer into the future,
but all we see is a fog so dense that its practically opaque,
we scan the horizon for glowing embers,
signs of an imminent but distant waiting bliss,
and we quiver in terror of shadows
that we try so hard to ignore.

But its okay,
we're taking a risk,
we're trying.

And as we step forward,
one foot in front of the other,
and teeter across the shaking bridge,
we inch closer and closer to the other side.
Who knows if the grass will be greener?
But its worth a shot isn't it?

Because these trials, obstacles and hurdles can be the path to overwhelming gratification.


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