Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Dying Days

The past week has been,

And stressful.
As someone extremely unaccustomed to stress,
it wasn't particularly pleasant.

I became someone I don't enjoy being at certain point throughout the week.
And the hysterical edge that accompanied my driven-near-the-edge-to-the-borderline-of-completely-not-caring was certainly not a pretty sight to behold.

You can resent me all you like for not being one who feels the pressure much,
but it has its low lights too.
Once you stop caring,
there's nothing that's driving you anymore.

So, at the same time,
the week was somewhat reassuring.
Knowing that my uncertainties do still matter to me.
That despite what I might think,
time is running out,
and I will (hopefully) sprint the last stretch
and make up the lagging distance.

Its a little worrying though,
I didn't do all that much productive or effective preparation for the week.
But I made it through, and that's what counts I guess.

It was quite enjoyable week despite all the kafuffle,
it definitely housed one of my more memorable nights,
and I can feel the year ending.

I'm looking forward to it.

We're willing go the extra mile,
holding to our hopes of the dazzling and imminent future,
to reach our destination.
So be it.

For the lovely few who follow this blog, apologies for my lack of posts, it seems I run out of things to say after my run of biweekly updates. This dry spell will probably last a while given the nature of the next few months.
This post is crap but you'll have to make do I guess :P


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