Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.






The Tragedy of Life

Forever longing for the perfection of yesterday, gazing backwards at past horizons.

Yet, again, and again, today's beauty and wonder can only slip past like a scenery missed.

Always paralysed by fear: if we slow our steps to appreciate the view, we'll miss our chance to live the moment.

Afraid that missing even a single moment, our lives will elude us, and by the time we realise, it'll be too late.

ps. I know the translation is a little rough, but then again the original Chinese probably is too D:


My blog has been very neglected as of late.
Its shocking that I haven't posted since August but to be honest every time I thought about posting something, I either didn't have time or didn't have any inspiration.

Life has been a tumultuous mix of fun, sadness, disappointment, anger and stress.
I feel like life has been passing me by and despite always believing in no regrets, I've had an awful lot of them. I feel like I'm watching the days spindle through and even though there are brief moments of brilliance every so often, I spend more time being an onlooker to joy than living in the moment. Hopefully, summer will help me move past that.

I'm very hesitant about turning it into a personal blog, even though this is what it seems to be becoming.
My main reason is that I treasure the privacy of being "anonymous" on the internet, even though most of my followers are friends in real life.
But this blog started because I wanted an outlet for my creative side that my daily life has no room for so turning it into a personal blog would defeat the purpose of that. Added onto the fact that generally, when I'm happy, I'm too busy enjoying being happy so I know that I'd probably end up being very rash and use the blog to vent my anger and sadness which I'm sure, wouldn't end well.

I'm also thinking of starting a new blog HAH, (because of course, if I don't have time for my current one, I'll sooo have time for two) because I've had a lot of fun following fashion blogs and beauty blogs and I think a haul blog would be nice for me to keep track of my shopping addiction and use it productively.