Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Day Sixteen.

Your first kiss.

Grubby, her face broke into a brilliant beam and he responded with a wicked, chubby grin. Their eyes twinkle with mischief upon their dirt smeared faces, and their once white shirts rise and fall with their breathlessness from their tumble down the seemingly interminable flights of stairs connecting all five floors of the aging building.

They didn’t say goodbye, the two pair of friends. Too young yet, to understand “oceans apart”.

She went back, one day, years later. They revisited their friendship, briefly but blissfully. It was too distant in the fond past to last forever, but nevertheless, their second round of farewells were murmured sullenly, with the scuffling of feet.

Then, he stepped forward suddenly, as if driven on impulse and lightly planted a fairy kiss upon her still childish lips.

Heh, its weird reblogging my tumblr rather than tumbling my blog ^^


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