Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Ave Atque Vale.

Whether we pass or fail these coming weeks, we have crossed the finished line.
We have passed, regardless of exams, and we are onto the next chapter of our lives.

Never again will we walk these hallowed halls,
encompassing us and cocooning us from the outside world,
never again will some smiles flicker past our vision.
But we will always remember.

With echoes of memorable laughter, and the bittersweet tears of fond finales, we step forward.
Through the corridors that contained our merriment,
past dark corners we once visited,
and through the door through which we once entered.
Outwards and onwards.

To greet the world,
and hit it with all we've got.

If we fall,
we'll fall with grace.

But we'll get back up with a smile on our face.
Because until we reach the very end of our journey,
everything is possible.
Never let it be said that you failed,
if you walked the path til the end.

Stand up and show the world what you're made of
and cherish always the guiding light beaming from the brilliant past.

Its time to let go, and you're ready to go.
Release us,
you'll see,
we'll be the best we can be.

Class of 2010

Ave Atque Vale
Hail and Farewell.

Day Sixteen.

Your first kiss.

Grubby, her face broke into a brilliant beam and he responded with a wicked, chubby grin. Their eyes twinkle with mischief upon their dirt smeared faces, and their once white shirts rise and fall with their breathlessness from their tumble down the seemingly interminable flights of stairs connecting all five floors of the aging building.

They didn’t say goodbye, the two pair of friends. Too young yet, to understand “oceans apart”.

She went back, one day, years later. They revisited their friendship, briefly but blissfully. It was too distant in the fond past to last forever, but nevertheless, their second round of farewells were murmured sullenly, with the scuffling of feet.

Then, he stepped forward suddenly, as if driven on impulse and lightly planted a fairy kiss upon her still childish lips.

Heh, its weird reblogging my tumblr rather than tumbling my blog ^^

Its Not You, Its Me.

No, really, it is.

While I sit here,
sick in the stomach (from amazingly good desserts, not even followed by a meal D:),
I contemplate my impending doom.

I have a "goddamnit its now or never" plan
but as of yet, no alternate "escape plan".

Then I thought of all the things I should probably quit or partake in less of .
(Though we all know how that worked out last time, apparently I'm so technologically brainwashed that it is impossible for me to last more than 3 days without any form of social networking: i include tumblr in this, of course.)
Only to realise, I have, in fact actually been slowly drifting away from blogging,
so I hereby announce,
an open relationship.
I will revisit, intermittently.
Better a little than nothing, right?

Never fear, it is a sign that I am in some way working towards a (hopefully) bright and successful future!
Or so they tell me (:
See you on the other side,
or whenever I can't take it anymore in between!

On a more positive note: Summmmeerrr!
It's just around the corner and I can feel it in my entire being.
I'm so excited!
I don't remember ever looking forward to any season so much,
but maybe its the completely carefree tag of an endless holiday..
So much do, so much time to do it in, and this exhaustion will disappear by then goddamnit!

ps. the image has no relevance whatsoever for once, so I apologise but its just so darn pretty!