Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.


The briefest moment,

A luxury of the carefree.

Pure and untouched by the cacophony
of the furrowed brow.
When the last tremor of the body stills,
the gasping breath eases,
and the lids lay down gently,
it slips off to a peaceful place.

Where smiles are not necessary,
and tears do not flow.

Turtles ♥


Seriously. I laughed so hard.

Thrifting (and Shopping) Adventures


Another blog update.. and yet again, no creative juices are dripping :(
(That sounds so wildly gross and inappropriate, I apologise)

But I received my fortnightly paycheck on Saturday and then ended up getting a little extra cash from covering a friend's shift on Sunday!
I was super ecstatic to find that the hole in my bank account (I usually try and maintain my account above a specific amount) had now been filled and with a little room to move.
(*cough* splurge *cough*)

On Sunday night, Daniel, his cousin and I also decided to hit up Crown after my first [insert their last name here] family dinner.
For the first time, I didn't lose and I didn't break even!
Yay! I only upped $40 actually haha but then again, my buy-in was at $30.

So obviously, my weekend involved shopping, to make up for the lack-thereof these past few weeks.

- Boys, this is your chance to escape before it gets boring -

Shirt for work
A bra also for work (kidding)

Dress (for work)
A non-cropped black blazer (FINALLY) - it also has some pretty cool detail on the back

Aaaaaaaaah so much fun!
I found something at every single op shop we entered (only 3 though)

So the purchases in order:

A silver clutch style purse, with a gold chain
(I can't wait to wear this clubbing or out to dinner, I can picture it hanging off my LBD-wearing self who has one foot out the door)

A dusty pink blouse
(Of the floaty-with-strips-to-tie-into-a-bow kind)

Another blazer
(Checked, very vintage Rory-Gilmore-journalist-esque)

Two books :D
(To add to the overflowing "to read" pile that I have garnered this holidays)

Anywhoo, I apologise for yet another post that has no artistic direction or journalistic flair whatsoever...
Mayhap it will return once I purchase that cute-but-too-sheer romper and beautiful vintage full length skirt that I've been eyeing.

Winter is for Unbearably Cold.

It seems like I've lost my depth, when it comes to my writing at least. I have not had any brilliant (or not so brilliant) ideas for a creative writing post so this is just going to be a chunk of word vomit - not of the nicely written kind - regaling the happenings in my (not so) exciting life.

Winter break is already in the process of slipping away but I still do not feel rested :(
The first week or two were fast flying, with plans made for almost everyday and gaps filled with impromptu fun fun :D

Sadly, that puts a lot of strain on your bank account when you're only earning a day's worth of income per week despite supposedly being employed in 2 -3 places...

So I became a homebody and have been spending a lot of lovely time with Daniel. I really should get out and about but I'm too lazy. It really doesn't help that half the time, the day is almost over by the time I get up out of bed because I don't have the foresight to consider sleeping early to wake up for a productive day.
I actually still enjoy myself a lot but its starting to get boring, though we did manage to squeeze in a game of Monopoly today and then proceed to discuss the reason why we shouldn't play with other people: nepotism (of the non-family kind).

If someone has ANY suggestions for what I can do to entertain myself (besides watch dramas which I actually haven't even had time for) shoot them my way! But be careful in your enthusiasm because I really do not want bruises like the ones I got from paintball thanks to Daniel and some randoms.

Whinge time!
Stupid Tiger Airways has gone and ruined my exciting (almost) trip to QLD with some of my girlies next week and by ruined, I mean sinking its teeth in, tearing a gash and shaking it until the entire plan is ripped to shreds.
Stupid stupid employer who shalt not be named for professional purposes who happens to be taking 4 months to finally get my contracts in order, and arrange for me to train so I can ACTUALLY WORK AND EARN MONEY. Seriously, they recently just hired 2 more girls...who will be trained with me. Really? I wait 4 months then have to train with girls who have only had to wait 2 weeks? Nothing against the girls, I'm just rageragerage about it.
Grumble grumble grumble.

I have officially been reinstated as gym junkie: something good came from my being too late for my first Bikram Yoga class (which I'd already put off for literally a year). I have no idea what effect gym is having but I definitely feel better about myself - despite that I wake up sore most mornings from my decidedly insane new-found dedication to gyming.

ALSO. Something that made em very happy..which I didn't even buy in the end was the cutest bright orange purse. It was bright a la Quirky Explosion.
The straps were as long as your average satchel and it was super structured - 50s style but more geometric.
Ohmygod I was so in love.
Daniel then proceeded to tell me it was disgusting and ugly but that it suited me. "What, cause I'm ugly too?".
So I walked away from it...I'm not sure if I regret it or not but it made me happy!

And thats all the crap I feel I need to subject you all through :D
Happy Holidays!

- Edit -

I just went through my stats and realized there has been (surprisingly) some traffic on my blog recently..minimal but considering my inactivity shocking anyway.

The hilarious part is that the traffic sources listed are sites about dieting and diet plans BAHAHA.

No, honestly, that's so comical.
I'm terrible at dieting..

(I have attempted it on many an occasion in the simplest form - stop eating crap)

I never really last long, not because of a lack of perseverance but because of a lack of will.
I always start it and realize that I'm a perfectly healthy size, and leaning toward skinny so why bother?
My metabolism compensates for the majority of the garbage I consume, and laziness prevents me from over-snacking exorbitantly so dieting never quiet goes to plan for me.
Believe me, I thank my metabolism everyday.