Fictional Lives

Where worlds collide.

Grrr... Teenage Angst or Asian Parents?

Thats how I feel right now.
And the irony of this following my bubbly post.
My mother.
My god.
Where to start.
But in short, apparently I'm being unreasonable and ignoring my VCE by wanting to go out more than once a week on my HOLIDAYS.
And apparently all she asks is one year of me focusing..
which is funny cause she's been tight about me going out all of my high school years.
And I always feel bad for being annoyed, and tell myself not to be so petty and immature
but then I stop and think.
Am I even being unreasonable?
I shall be fine soon :)

Dissintegrating Lives?

Just lovely.
That is the only way I can express this year so far.
Of course, not everything has gone quite as i hoped, but in general, life's looking up.
Or I'm looking up.
I've always considered myself a cynical person yet somehow people have always perceived me to be a bubbly ball of vivacity.
So I figured I may as well embrace the optimism that I somehow seem to naturally possess, but who knew it was possible to be both optimistic and cynical?
A cynical romantic?

However, people's lives seem to be spiralling out of control, relationships and lives falling to pieces all around me. Friends calling up, breaking down, choking on their words with tears.
And it always happens to people around the same time. I'm finding it fitting that I want to be a psychologist on these days. I spend entire days comforting, talking through things, trying to help others when these onslaughts occur.
I try and share my little bubble of sunshine with others, but so many people are immersed in the gloomy cloud that I finally escaped.

I've realised that this blog is purely for my own benefit to look back on.
I was rereading my posts and I feel like I sound older than I actually feel.
Does that even form any semblance of a coherent train of thought?

A year to remember.
A year without regret.
A year to relish in life.